Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Registration in the about via UAE Pass only
2- Enhance the flow of Self Evaluation
3- Merge Cancellation services into one service
4- Enhance dashboard items
5- Enhance MOHRE Authorization function.
6- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Registration in the about via UAE Pass only
2- Enhance the flow of Self Evaluation
3- Merge Cancellation services into one service
4- Enhance dashboard items
5- Enhance MOHRE Authorization function.
6- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Added Modify Quota service
2- Added Private Teacher work permit service
3- Add Downloads page
4- Enhance Re-Print transaction service
5- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Added Modify Quota service
2- Added Private Teacher work permit service
3- Add Downloads page
4- Enhance Re-Print transaction service
5- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Added Modify Quota service
2- Added Private Teacher work permit service
3- Add Downloads page
4- Enhance Re-Print transaction service
5- Improving the performance of the application
- Enhance the performance of the application.
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Enhance Renew Residency Service (Domestic worker)
2- Enhance New Residency Service (Domestic Worker)
3- Enhance Add Violation Service (Domestic Worker)
4- New Dashboard item for Domestic sponsor “Work Permits about to expire”
5- Improving the performance of the application
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Enhance Renew Residency Service (Domestic worker)
2- Enhance New Residency Service (Domestic Worker)
3- Enhance Add Violation Service (Domestic Worker)
4- New Dashboard item for Domestic sponsor “Work Permits about to expire”
5- Improving the performance of the application
- Fixed upload attachments issue.
- Enhance the performance of the application.
Fixed Samsung Pay issue.
- Enhance the performance of the application.
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Launching Request Quota for Establishment service
2- Launching Cancellation of E-Quota service
3- Launching Update Domestic Sponsor contact details service
4- Updating Re-print Domestic Transaction service
5- Updating the service card for services
6- Improving the performance of the application
7- Fixed customer pulse issue
Thank you for using MOHRE smart APP! This release contains the below enhancements:
1- Launching Request Quota for Establishment service
2- Launching Cancellation of E-Quota service
3- Launching Update Domestic Sponsor contact details service
4- Updating Re-print Domestic Transaction service
5- Updating the service card for services
6- Improving the performance of the application
- Enhance the performance of the application.
- Enhance the performance of the application.
1- Fixed WPS list screen crash.
2- Enhance the performance of the application.
1- Added most used services section.
2- Enhance the performance of the application.
1- Dashboard item shows all transactions related to domestic matter
2- New FAQ page
3- Enhance Self Tawjeeh Service
4- Update Ministry's information in side menu
5- Enhance the performance of the application
- Emiratisation info is available for establishments with >= 50 employees now.
- New work injuries list screen in establishment profile.
- Auto search while typing in search screen.
- Attachments allowed attachments type and size in attachments screen.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Domestic worker can apply for salary complaint now.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Domestic worker can apply for salary complaint now.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- New self tawjeeh service.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Self evaluation for establishments.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- New direct services.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- New direct services.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- New direct services.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Login with UAE Pass is now available for employers, employees, PROs and domestic worker sponsors.
- Several improvements and bug fixes.
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Fixed login with UAE Pass issue.
- Performance enhancements.
- Added direct services.
- Performance enhancements.
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
PRO details information.
Employer E-signature card details.
Establishment attachments section.
Performanace Enhancements
PRO details information.
Employer E-signature card details.
Establishment attachments section.
Performanace Enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
Privace policy updated
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Performance enhancements
- Customer charter
- Innovation portal
- Live chat support in services
- Performance enhancements
- Bank guarantee amounts list
- Various reports for establishments and employees like cancelation and bank guarantee reports
- Bank guarantee amounts list
- Various reports for establishments and employees like cancelation and bank guarantee reports
- Bank guarantee amounts list
- Various reports for establishments and employees like cancelation and bank guarantee reports
PRO users can now login with their accounts
- Stability enhancements
Service centers list enhancement.
- Stability enhancements
Service centers list enhancement.
- Attachments Improvements
- Stability enhancements
Bug Fixes
Service Cenre Design Enhancements
Domestic Worker Fixes
Find Mohre offices with your camera Through our AR technology
Navigate through the app using your voice
Book service center ticket right from your phone using MOHRE app
Use Finger print for more security
Global search allows you to look for everything within the app
You can now manage your domestic workers with our app
Widget allows you to calculate your transactions without opening the app
Bug Fixes
Service Cenre Design Enhancements
Domestic Worker Fixes
Find Mohre offices with your camera Through our AR technology
Navigate through the app using your voice
Book service center ticket right from your phone using MOHRE app
Use Finger print for more security
Global search allows you to look for everything within the app
You can now manage your domestic workers with our app
Widget allows you to calculate your transactions without opening the app
Find Mohre offices with your camera Through our AR technology
Social exploration opens new networking possibilities for business owners
Navigate through the app using your voice
Book service center ticket right from your phone using MOHRE app
Use Finger print for more security
Global search allows you to look for everything within the app
You can now manage your domestic workers with our app
Widget allows you to calculate your transactions without opening the app
Find Mohre offices with your camera Through our AR technology
Social exploration opens new networking possibilities for business owners
Navigate through the app using your voice
Book service center ticket right from your phone using MOHRE app
Use Finger print for more security
Global search allows you to look for everything within the app
You can now manage your domestic workers with our app
Widget allows you to calculate your transactions without opening the app
Find Mohre offices with your camera Through our AR technology
Social exploration opens new networking possibilities for business owners
Navigate through the app using your voice
Book service center ticket right from your phone using MOHRE app
Use Finger print for more security
Global search allows you to look for everything within the app
You can now manage your domestic workers with our app
Widget allows you to calculate your transactions without opening the app
- Domestic worker sponsor system integration
- New minimal design
- Global search
- Voice chat
- Service center ticketing
- Transaction status widget
- FaceId and TouchId integration
- Taw-seel service integration
- New Employee WPS status
- Payment history available in dashboard
Bug fixes and improvements
Chatbot Enhancments
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Updates on SmartPass linking feature with MOHRE app.
- New implementation for SmartPass to link SmartPass user with MOHRE application,- Information message displays to user when click at service center phone number
- Average waiting time added.- Performance enhancements.
Bug fixes and improvements
Bug fixes and improvements
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Artificial Intelligence Chatbot integration.Performance Enhancments
Latest release from MOHRE
Latest release from MOHRE
Latest release from MOHRE
SmartPass Feature
SmartPass Feature
- Enhanced security verification- Added accessibility features- Added extra services information- Many other enhancements and fixes
- Enhanced security verification- Added accessibility features- Added extra services information- Many other enhancements and fixes
- Enhanced security verification- Added accessibility features- Added extra services information- Many other enhancements and fixes